Saturday 11 April 2009

waiting for the interwebz

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH for crying out loud I need a decent keyboard111 damn cyber cqfes thqt hqve third world keyboards where I cant type11 just a little note to let you know i, fine and the server provider scheduled a visit to my house for thursday so hopefully from then on ill be able to qctually update the blog and talk to you all my loves :) meanwhile my belgium number is: +32470045725 feel free to use it, I are the lonely11 and btw its kindq ironic but in this post everyti,e you see 1 its meant to be an exclamation mark but it is just not working11

Logging off to go make a stew and missing you all like hell,



Gunnhild said...

Oh well... could be worse, right? I hope everything is still going as smoothly as everything else so far, and that you're having a blast!

I started to work in a clinic (hurray!) and I already have 4 patients with steady appointments for treatments, plus the usual accounting workload... so basically, I'm enduring 2 jobs atm. I'm awefully tired, but it's worth it. Keep in touch and keep us posted! Otherwise this fever of checking up on you dies! :p (Yes, it's meant to be perceived as a threat.)

Kisses, Gunn.