Monday 6 April 2009

The time is now

Althought it seemed Ive been doing it for the past week(s), it took me to the very last minute to pack. But its done. 4 bags + laptop + bag of cosmetics, dont think its too bad for 6 months giving my girly condition!

Im dead afraid. Im so scared of this new reality where Ill be depending on myself, in a country I dont know, with a language I dont speak. Ive been going through some odd transitions of really wanting to go and really looking forward to it and feeling extremely excited, to feeling like canceling it, imagining worse case scenarios and wanting to curl up in a shell and forget this idea ever took place.

Without realising I find myself looking at my dad's room, its my safe spot, the spot where everything is possible, all problems are solved and there is always room for a new chance, a new beggining, another try. Funny how in these kind of situations you over analyse the little things and discover whole new meanings in them.
I think i will miss my bed, and my bath tub. God Im speakign like its the end of this... Its only 6 months ana, stop the drama!

But the truth is, I feel is so much more then an internship, I feel is so much more then "only" 6 months abroad, Im sure its a new stage of my that its about to begin, adultness. And now its... official. Im so scared. Im so excited. I need to just get it over with.

And oh well, its 00:14, I gotta be up by 7:00 to be on the road by 8:00 and try to reach my first destination (Burgos) by 19:00 the latest.

Logging off with cookies and love,



Moo said...

Go go Ana! :)
Enjoy the trip, drive safe and take care, will be thinking of you

- Moo